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10 Best Air Purifying Plants NASA Recommends For Indoors

There are a variety of ways which can help you achieve breathing clean and safe air. It is unfortunate that humans have damaged air quality so much. The very element of nature which is vital for life is beginning to prove to be a poison, no less. In this blog post, we introduce to you details of indoor plants which can help purify air. There’s a limit as to how many plants you can keep indoors. Plus they need some care for sure. Plants are in no way comparable to the focused action and technologically advanced functioning of air purifiers. Our post on the Best Coway Air Purifier Reviews features such air purifiers. Having best air purifying plants which clean your indoor atmosphere are a cool thing to have.

It would have been best if human’s didn’t disturb earth’s ecosystem to this level. Now, we are reaping the ills of our insatiable greed and consumption for natural resources. Humans first create problems then find solutions and this chain reaction is called development. I am not against development or advancements but they should not come at the cost of nature.

Best Air Purifying Plants For Indoors

Read the complete post and visit your nearest nursery or gardener. See which ones you can plant in your home or office. Indoor plants brighten up the interiors and bring you close to nature. Ornamental plants in rooms add a positive aura and calm. There are some varieties of plants which are evergreen and even release oxygen during the night. Indoor plants rid your home’s air of poisonous gases.

Why Is Your Indoors Air Impure?

Research and reports have concluded that the air indoors can be way more polluted than outside. We are not comparing room’s air to the air found near traffic signals or jams though. We are talking in general terms. Improper ventilation is the prime culprit which is to blame for this condition. Small dingy rooms, washrooms and kitchen designs with architectural flaws or space constraints are the top reasons. Bad air flow from outdoors makes the rooms a haven for foul, polluted air and microbes.

Home furnishings, kitchen fumes, paints, upholstery, synthetic building materials, and cleaning products in homes and offices emit a variety of toxic compounds, like VOCs, xylene and formaldehyde.

Do Plants Actually Reduce Indoor Pollution?

Yes, some special plants have affinity towards certain gaseous pollutants. This “pollution-phyllic” property can be leveraged for our benefit. The plants we have compiled below have been mentioned in NASA’s research. These plants are pretty sturdy and require less care.

Then Are Air Purifiers A Waste?

People who say so are ill-informed if not foolish. Certain plants can absorb poisonous fumes, Good! Plants increase the indoor oxygen levels, Super! Plants can reduce allergies, No! Indoor plants can bring down particulate pollution levels, No! Can plants keep mold and fungus under check? Do ornamental plants provide any help against dust? The answer is plain No again. The moral of this questionnaire is to advice not to expect a miracle. Indoor air purifying plants are always good to have. But, they are not a one stop solution for all your air quality woes.

Sometimes forest fires whether man initiated or natural; aggravate air quality deterioration. In such days, living near a forest itself becomes a bane. So, whether or not you need an air purifier depends on the problem at hand. Seasonal allergies from pollen is very common especially in Canada and US. Air Purifiers can quickly and reliably reduce a wide range of allergens and indoor pollutants.

Best Room Air Purifier For Smoke And Smog

The presence of smokers is a major contributor to indoor pollution. Ovens, stoves and OTGs in kitchens generate fumes as a by-product to combustion and breakdown of compounds. Plants aside, always keep your kitchen well ventilated with windows opening towards wide and clean surroundings. Chimneys and exhaust fans should be properly installed where design doesn’t permit natural ventilation.

1. Snake Plant (Sansevieria trifasciata)

Snake plant is one of the best plants to keep indoors. Its neither a very beautiful one as other plants nor too delicate to demand quick attention. It is one of the most tolerant plants around. These plants can be neglected for weeks without water. Still their texture is such they do not droop or wither. The snake plant is the Best Air Purifier plant for vehicular pollution.

2. Dracaena Deremensis


This is a very common plant which you must have seen. Did we surprise you to include it in our list? Well, plants from the Dracaena genus are known to clean the air pollutants. There are more than 45 varieties of Dracaena. These plants are evergreen and have thick sturdy leaves with a plastic look. These can go for many days without water or sunlight and are pretty hard to kill. Not to give an impression that you should test your plants to the brink of death!

Some varieties of Dracena can grow quite tall. This makes them ideal to enliven void spaces in big halls or rooms.

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3. Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)

Peace Lily is one of the best air purifying plants. It grows best in shady places away from direct sunlight in medium to low light. Best suited for indoor placement in rooms and office spaces. Special care should be taken not to over-water the plant. Best to plant in summers. You should be mindful that Peace Lilies may be a source of pollen themselves. So, avoid placing them if you are allergic to pollen.

Peace Lilies placed in more light will likely produce the white hooded leaf. Too little light may hinder the appearance of the white leaf (false flower)

4. Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum)

Another plant apart from snake plant named after a horrid creature- spider plant! Wondering why the plants we have mentioned till now have such nasty names? Well, you need tough plants to battle the pollution menace! The spider plant is easy to grow and is quite adaptable. Spider plant may even produce flowers which become mini spider plants eventually. It prefer dry soil instead of constant watering.

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5. Boston Fern (Nephrolepis exaltata)

Boston Ferns are quite popular indoor air purifying plants. You may even have grown or seen it nearby. It needs a cool and humid place to thrive. Keep tab on the humidity levels or else the leaves would turn yellow. The Boston Fern is quite particular about its needs and may get infested with insects. In return it gets rid of Formaldehyde like no other plant.

Boston fern is overall easy to grow and keeps up well. You can prune the leave sticks when they become too long. Its quite good at coming out with thicker leaflets after pruning.

6. Pothos Plant (Epipremnum aureum)

It is also commonly called the Money plant. If cared properly for, the Pothos plant looks lovely with lots of big leaves and dense foliage. It needs little attention once it grows dense. Its big leaves provide lots of pure oxygen. Leaves may turn yellow during winters or intense summers. Overall, the leaves may even live for years and can grow very large. It removes many air pollutants. Best way to enhance its air purification ability is to wash off the dust and dirt from the leaves often.

The pothos plant thrives and produces shiny youthful leaves. Its health knows no bounds when it gets ample manure and fertile soil. You can easily make its clones by planting it from nodes which have slight roots.

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7.  Chrysanthemum or Garden Mums

Very popular flowering plants with a whole range of colors. Chrysanthemum occur in scores of varieties and produce a large array of colored flowers. NASA Clear Air Study has shown that Chrysanthemum plants can remove Benzene, Formaldehyde, Xylene, Ammonia and Trichloroethylene. This plant can give all air purifiers a run for their money.

Buy It If Its Winters

8. Barberton Daisy

In NASA Clean Air Study, the Barberton Daisy has proven to be a champion. Of all plants studied, it removes the largest amount of Benzene. Not to mention the lovely flowers, this plant is a live air purifier!

A Little Bigger Anti Pollution Plants

8. Potted Palm Tree

A miniaturized tree in itself, the Dwarf palm is a delight to have in your home. Plant it small and see it attain big size with glorious evergreen foliage. It’s a tough plant which can withstand the harshest of summers or winters. Palm leaves absorb xylene and remove formaldehyde and VOCs.

A palm plant can be kept indoors in corners alongside sofas. Plant it in a bigger pot if possible and allow it to spread more.


9. Philodendron (Monstera deliciosa)

An evergreen plant which is at its prime in the rainy season and lush otherwise for the year. It removes Formaldehyde.

The leaves are very large and produce good oxygen. Plant it on ground and you can hide a car behind its leaves in a year’s time!

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10. Bamboo Palm

The bamboo palm effectively removes Benzene and trichloroethylene. It also makes a good indoor plant to be placed in the drawing rooms near furniture. A good absorbent of formaldehyde it absorbs it from freshly painted wood. A native plant of South and Central America, it enjoys shady places and warm climate. Avoid inundating it with water as it doesn’t leave the torture un-noticed.

11. Hibiscus

Hibiscus has a dense foliage which means more oxygen and greenery. A grown up plant gives you a couple of beautiful flowers everyday in summers. Hibiscus Plant is a sturdy one and grows very well if supplied with cow dung manure. Timely trimming ensures a healthier plant. Try planting it in a bigger pot and it will not disappoint you.

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Conclusion- Best Air Purifying Plants

Plants are very good companions which demand just water and a little care and give a lot in return. We hope our post would have helped you to revisit the importance of plants. Air Purifiers cannot be substituted with these plants, no doubt. Air Purifying plants are a beautiful and natural way to clean your home’s air. They absorb harmful gases and also replenish the oxygen levels. We recommend to accommodate a few of the above plants. Still, if you live in very polluted environments, only an Air Purifier can give respite.

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