Coway Airmega 400 and 400S are two extremely popular air purifiers in USA. This company has always been a shining name in the air purifier market. Coway Airmega 400S is the flagship air purifier from the company so expect only the best from it. A product’s popularity lies in every aspect of it, be it manufacturing, quality control, performance or marketing; all things need to be good. Its the collective working of each and every component that makes up an air purifier. If I were to pronounce two things which make the Airmega 400 series a winner? They would be the Coway Airmega 400 filter viz the MAX2 filter and all other things put together. Coway Airmega 400 and its siblings are very thoughtfully designed and look attractive.
Coway Airmega MAX2 filters have excellent ratings from the users. Check Reviews and Ratings and see for yourself.
When you get the delivery of your Airmega air purifier, you see the MAX2 filters are secured in a plastic cover. Hence, it is crucial that you remove the cover from the filters before using the air purifier.
Just like the Airmega air purifiers, the MAX2 filters have also seen a considerable price drop since their launch. I would say now the air purifiers as well as the filters have become more affordable. Coway Airmega 300/300S/400/400S have a set of MAX2 filters on each side. The shape of these air purifiers is such that air intake happens from the left and right sides. The MAX2 filters are present to filter the incoming air from the sides. Pure air blows out from the top-facing fan.
Airmega MAX2 filters are the culmination of how ideal filters need to be. Patients of Asthma and Allergies see a marked improvement in their conditions and benefit greatly after using these. Especially during the annual wildfires like California is experiencing right now, MAX2 filters can be a life saver. People have been displaced in huge numbers and others are forced to stay captive inside their homes due to the extreme smoke and pollution. All these environmental events are unfortunate but this is how nature plays it!
Coway’s Airmega MAX2 filter is a composite filter. In other words, the TRUE HEPA and the activated carbon filters fuse together into a single unit. All Coway Air purifiers use a Green True HEPA filter. It has special antiviral and antibacterial coating which lends its green color to it. Together with the activated carbon filter, this combine can remove over 99.97% of 0.3 micron sized particles and above.
Coway Airmega air purifiers use a High quality Honeycomb design carbon filter with ACTUAL CARBON PELLETS. Other inferior quality carbon filters which just have a coating of activated carbon. Airmega 400 filter has actual carbon pellets greatly boosting their odor and gas adsorption power. Overall, the Airmega MAX2 filter reeks of high quality.
Quality comes with a price, so the filter price is also not trifle.
Although quality is not quantifiable but it certainly is palpable. The activated carbon stage is designated the job of removing harmful gases and odors from the air. The indoors are usually more polluted than the outdoors in terms of gaseous pollutants. Our varnished furniture, cooking jobs in the kitchen, smoking cigarettes and freshly painted wall etc. are sources of organic gases.
Gases like ammonia, formaldehyde, benzene and toluene are carcinogenic and should be removed at all costs. The activated carbon is renowned for adsorbing all sorts of gaseous pollutants and odors. So, the HEPA filter and carbon filter work in tandem and supplement the air cleaning process.

Thanks to the Coway Airmega pre-filter, a larger part of coarse dust and dirt is captured on its surface itself. Not letting hairs, lint and dirt reach the MAX2 filter and clogging it beyond recognition; the pre-filter is definitely a useful addition. The pre-filter material is a super fine fabric mesh. If your pre-filter chokes then its not hard to imagine that the air purifier’s airflow would be hindered. Hence, it is a recommendation to clean it under tap or vacuum cleaning it frequently. Should you forget cleaning it, the Airmega doesn’t let its maintenance go unnoticed. The Pre Wash sign on the Indicator lights up when its cleaning time. In Airmega 400 and 400S models, all along the perimeter of this Pre Wash Indicator button, there’s another LED ring. This ring is segmented into 5 sectors each denoting 20% filter usage. When all the sectors fill up, the red Wash indicator glows.
Your Coway Airmega 400 has 2 filters so they need double the attention. A dirty filter is of no good as it would put your as well as the air purifier’s health at risk. The Airmega has indicators to let you know to take up filter maintenance. And Yes, as soon as you remove the side covers, you cannot turn ON your Airmega. Also, if you install the side covers incorrectly, the device won’t power up.
The MAX2 Change indicator tells you when the two filters need to be replaced. This indication is based on how much air they have processed. If you own an Airmega 300S or 400S, then the IoCare App also indicates the filter life remaining in percentages.
The Airmega pre-filters do not need replacement in the normal scenario. A dedicated indicator informs you of the impending cleaning job for your Coway Airmega pre-filters. You must frequently clean the pre-filter even if the indicator is yet to light up for maximum efficiency. To clean the pre-filter you can wash it under running water. Even vacuum cleaning it would do. After cleaning or replacing the filters, make sure to reset the filter indicator on the control panel. This is done by pressing the Pre-filter status indicator for 3 seconds.
- Always turn off the power by disconnecting the power plug before undertaking filter maintenance. This applies to cleaning or replacing the MAX2 filters both.
- Never use detergents to clean the Airmega 400 filters. Neither should you think of using solvents, thinners, bleach, chlorine, or abrasives.
- Kind of dumb advice but do not immerse the product in water or spray the product with water.
- Importantly, make sure that the pre-filter is fully dry before you put it back. This is in case you chose to wash it with water.
- The MAX2 filters are not reusable. The HEPA and Carbon filters are not washable. Always replace them with a new one.
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