Snoring is a common problem around the world affecting millions. Its a harmless looking problem but may have grave health repercussions. My parents snore in high decibels and they even know the noise pollution they generate. Lol! In this post, we’ll see some snoring remedies. These remedies may lower the intensity of snoring and improve sleep. Sleep apnea is a big problem snoring causes in the long run. I am not going into the details of how bad snoring is to one’s health here. We would look at some solutions which may not stop snoring but will help. Let’s read the below content with an open mind and positive frame of mind.
If you are a snorer then you become part of a universal brotherhood automatically. Around half of the world’s population suffer from snoring. Here we are not talking about one-off snoring but daily occurrences. Countries which abound in obese people see more snorers too. Body weight, diet, degree of exercise and medical conditions all contribute to how prone you are to snoring.
Before we see a snoring remedy or two, lets see what happens to your body during sleep which causes snoring.
What Causes Snoring?
When we sleep our muscles relax, even the muscles of our throat. More men are snorers as compared to women attributed to anatomy. Biology tells us that men have less wider nasal airways as compared to women. So, when the throat muscles relax, the air passage is further narrowed down. Breathing no longer remains effortless and becomes heavy. Seasonal cold or allergies may cause snoring incidents but they disappear when the problem subsides.
People with heavy necks and overall body weight have greater chances to turn out as a snorer. But, its not only weight that may be the reason. OSA (Obstructive Sleep Apnea) is a condition where the snorer suffers in the sleep for air. Worse cases see the person waking up in sweat for want of air. Rough and irregular breathing with continuous high noise may point to some obstruction in the nasal passage. The patients needs to get to the bottom of it by seeing a specialist doctor.
Smoking, drinking more alcohol and being over-wright increase snoring chances greatly. Being overweight is really the cause of so many health issues. Snoring disrupts the sleep of other housemates and even the snorer. The snorer generally wakes up tired and his whole day sleepy. Stop snoring to breathe easy yourself and for other’s sake.
Best Snoring Remedy – Regular Tongue, Throat & Breathing Exercise
Engaging in physical exercise is what everyone should do. It not only keeps the body healthy but also ensures a good night’s sleep. Not just think of exercise to sweat it out in the gym. I recommend exercising in fresh air. Jog and walk briskly in a park or wherever there is good greenery and less pollution. Sunlight and natural air is what we are supposed to imbibe. Unfortunately, enrolling in costly gyms and building bulging muscles is what fitness means today.
Apart from physical exercise, there are many things a snorer can do. A string of exercises involving the tongue and throat are to be learned and practiced. Practicing them would strengthen the thoracic muscles.
Tongue Slide
This exercise needs you to rub the tip of your tongue against the roof of your mouth. You need to slide the tongue against your palate's length- back and forth. Repeat this exercise whenever you are reminded of it. Do sets of 20 reps in one go.
Palate Push
Here you need to fit the tongue onto your upper hard palate. Its hard to explain but your tongue should stick to your palate as much as you can. It would want you to gulp some air to do it.
Roll The Tongue
For this roll out the tongue flat for its tip to be touching the lower front teeth. You need not stick the tongue out. Do this keeping the tongue completely inside the mouth. 20 repetitions.
Call Out The Vowels
In this exercise, you should speak the vowels loudly. The vowels are 'a','e','i','o' and 'u'. Stretch your mouth more than what naturally makes of it to speak each vowel. The point here is to amplify the facial movements deliberately.
Say 'Aaah'
Your doctors want you to open your mouth and say 'aah' to inspect your uvula. Uvula is that fleshy projection at the back of the soft palate. The one you see hanging from the top palate. Say 'aah' with lifting the back of the roof of the mouth. Your uvula will also be automatically involved.
Singing is also an exercise of the throat and associated muscles. Sing at the top of your voice and make voice modulations. You need not sing melodiously. You can do it in the washroom so that others are not disturbed. Singing, on a serious note, needs muscle control of the throat and so many others.
Snoring Remedy #1. Use Anti-Snoring Devices
Anti snoring devices like nasal strips are very commonly used by snorers. These are an easy way to relieve if not stop snoring altogether. These devices work to dilate the nasal passages to eek out some more breathing space literally. The plus point to using nasal strips is that they are safe to use and non-costly.
Snoring Remedy #2. Sleep Sideways
Sleeping on the side helps reduce snoring. Patients with structural issues in the air passage benefit more. Sleeping with the face facing the ceiling is not recommended for snorers. When one sleeps on his back, the tongue rolls back and increases blockage to the air passage. To help solve this issue you can invest in a good body pillow.
There’s even a better side to sleep on. Sleeping on your left side is good for overall blood circulation and heart. Our tongue is also a muscle which keeps on growing throughout life. In senior citizens, the tongue itself may become too large to hinder even mouth breathing. Sleeping on the side helps in this problem also. This is when the tongue tilts sideways and opens up the air passage.
Snoring Remedy #3. Slant Your Bed
If sleeping sideways does not provide much respite then do this. My father has got a chute/angular plank made out by a carpenter. This setup has been pushed under his mattress towards the top of the bed. The bed wedge must be slid so as to raise the torso relative to the rest of the body. There are bed wedges readily available on online marketplaces too.
Snoring Remedy #4. Reduce Weight
Weight is often the common factor seen in snorers. To help reduce if not stop snoring, work on your extra kilos. Being overweight has not done anyone any good.
Snoring Cure #5. Surgically Correct Nasal Passage
An ENT doctor can suggest and perform some surgeries depending on your condition. He will ask some sleep cycle examinations, some X-rays or MRI scans. Surgical procedures like somnoplasty, uvulopalatopharyngoplasty or palate implants will definitely reduce snoring. These procedures either tighten the throat muscles or reduce soft tissue from the soft palate.
Snoring Cure #6. Quit Smoking & Reduce Alcohol Intake
Smoking is yet another habit which could be aggravating your snoring. Smoking, believe it or not causes inflammation in the throat muscles. You also need to cut down on alcohol consumption. Especially avoid alcohol a few hours before going to bed.
Snoring Cure #7. Bring A Humidifier
Yo! A baby humidifier is a popular device for use in bedrooms. Optimum humidity can do wonders to the ease of breathing. Our whole respiratory system gets relaxed and moist when there is good moisture level in the air. A humidifier is not a costly thing and has so many good effects on your family’s health. It brings down indoor pollution and facilitates a good sleep.
When your nasal tract is moist and healthy, snoring would definitely reduce. A 40-60% humidity in the air is ideal. Optimum humidity does the same to a snorer as oil does to a cranky machinery.
Stop Snoring Remedy #8. Get Treatment For Sinusitis & Allergies
Respiratory allergies due to a host of allergens are common. Inflammation in the sinus muscles is what is sinusitis. All these temporary issues can lead to snoring instances. Anti-histamine medicines are prescribed in allergies.
Snoring Solution #9. Oral Appliances
Oral appliances are just like dentures. Your dentist can suggest a good one for you. These fitments help keep the mouth closed and stop snoring.
Snoring Cure #10. Use A CPAP Machine
For people with some kind of obstruction in their airways, sleep time is a latent torture. While awake they are conscious to breathe through the nose and they are successful in it. But, while asleep, the body can’t keep up with this reflex action of breathing as resolutely. The result is a turbulent breathing with irregular start and stops.
A CPAP machine is utilized for treating snoring due to nasal obstructions. In this, a mask is worn over the nose. The CPAP machine pumps air which is at a higher pressure from normal atmospheric pressure. This pressurized ans assisted air flow is what most doctors recommend to treat OSA (obstructive sleep apnea) patients.
Snoring Solution #11. Take Enough Sleep
I am not a snorer but even I snore sometimes, my mother tells me. I am always in denial but after giving it a thought I seem to have deduced the cause. In all such times when I must have snored, I was very exhausted. Sometimes, after attending a family wedding or due to night shifts at work. A good night sleep and ample rest is prime for healthy living. A minimum 7 – 8 hours sleep is recommended for adults.
Snoring Solution #12. Get A Steam Inhaler
If you are suffering from sinusitis then steam inhalation would prove beneficial for sure. Adding benzoin tincture or tea-tree oil in the steam water soothes the sinuses. Steam also eases out mucus and all this contributes to opening on airways. Clearer nasal passage automatically reduces snoring.
A steam inhaler is a non-costly but useful thing to own. Cold, cough and allergy are a common phenomena is homes. A steam inhaler can relieve stuffy nose and congestion to ease breathing.
Cure Snoring Remedy #13. Check Your Diet
Certain things are better than others to mitigate respiratory tract inflammations. You should avoid sour and spicy things if you are a snoring patients. Drinking more water is always good for health. But, how you drink water also matters. Never drink anything while standing, always sit down and drink gulp by gulp. Some people drink water at a stretch and pour it directly into the throat. This is wrong and causes sinusitis. Similarly, drinking chilled or cold water is not good for health. Always try to drink normal or lukewarm water.
A healthy and balanced diet will help keep your weight in check. A normal body weight may not stop snoring if it is due to obstructions.
Snoring is a serious health issue which should not be passed off lightly. Try out some of the tips and remedies, we shared above. A remedy which works for someone may not produce the same result on you. Everyone’s physiology and the cause of snoring may be different. Also, the extent of the problem may vary. So, try out a few and consult a sleep doctor. Thanks for reading!
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