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TruSens Z-2000 Air Purifier Unboxing And Detailed Analysis

Unboxing Trusens air purifier Z2000

Time for sharing my personal experience of using the TruSens Air Purifier Z-2000. In this post I am going to share the nitty gritties of this new air purifier brand from ACCO brands. Pollution in cities no matter big or small is a common problem. It raises the health concern faced by people manifold. In winters, the climatic conditions make it even worse in terms of air quality. The pollution level spikes when the weather is cool and foggy. Even the colorful spring season brings allergies from pollen and other allergens. Only the rainy season is when there is a palpable respite from all sorts of airborne pollutants like dust and smoke. Otherwise witnessing smog, dust and pungent air is a routine phenomenon.

Getting rid of the pollutants in a quick and reliable way is not difficult to achieve anymore. Courtesy air purifiers having real-time pollution sensors and feedback mechanisms, a user can take charge of the indoor air quality.

TruSens air purifier Z-2000 model is especially attractive to look at. My TruSens Z-2000 can cater to a maximum area spanning 375 sq.ft.


Acco Brand’s TruSens series of air purifiers have brought forth some unique aspects in design. Even for bloggers like us these things lend the much needed change from seeing the same bland set of features in air purifiers. Right from unboxing the TruSens air purifier to using it for about a week, this post would give you a deep insight. For your information, I have actively used the TruSens Z-2000 air purifier before writing this review. It is the ‘middle’ model out of the three model lineup TruSens has rolled out. The other two being Z-1000 and the flagship Z-3000 for small and large rooms respectively. TruSens Z-1000 is for small rooms upto 250 sq.ft while Z-3000 can handle 750 sq.ft areas.


My TruSens Air purifier was delivered in a well-secured sturdy box-in-a-box packaging. As is customary for delicate electronics, every care was taken to deliver the air purifier in excellent condition. The inner box is attractive and contains illustrations. Overall, the air purifier along with the accessories were nicely packed inside. Everyone knows how some courier service delivery boys treat their consignments. Good packaging gives an assurance that even if some mishandling took place in transit, the device would be safe. I received my air purifier in perfect condition, Thanking God for that!

Inside The Box

  1. TruSens Air Purifier
  2. One power cable (6 feet)
  3. One SensorPod
  4. Adapter for SensorPod
  5. TruSens HEPA/Carbon composite filter, the UV bulb comes already installed.
  6. User Manual


Behold an ultra-light device as I pulled out the TruSens air purifier from the box through the handle. Online images of products do not give the right impression of size. I was expecting a little bigger air purifier. Anyways, the undeniably good looks and quality are immediately palpable. The SensorPod too is a cute white device and has to be powered separately through an adapter. It monitors how the air quality is near the air purifier. The air purifier receives feedback from the SensorPod and switches its fan speed accordingly.

The TruSens filter is also proportional to the size of the device. The filter has to be inserted inside the TruSens air purifier from below. Fairly easy and a DIY task. You just need to unscrew a plastic screw and slide the filter into a shaft. Removing the plastic wrapping from the filter is very important before using the air purifier. In all, setting up the TruSens air purifier is fairly simple and intuitive. I didn’t need to refer to the user manual until setting up the SensorPod. Once connected with the main air purifier unit, a blue light glows up on the SensorPod. At the same time, the real-time pollution display also starts displaying numerical readings based on the ambient air quality.

Overall, I had very nice first impression of the TruSens air purifier. The body color, shape, material and build quality are excellent and seem durable too.


In times when all air purifier companies try to offer smart features, how can TruSens fall back?

Trusens Z-2500 is the company’s newest Smart WiFi enabled air purifier. You need to download an App into your mobile. With it you get to control the air purifier’s working at the touch of your mobile screen. Track the Air Quality Index (AQI) history, set up schedules and to get reminders for replacement of the filters and UV bulb. It can also be voice controller via Alexa. With the App, you know your indoor and outdoor air quality in real-time. You can


Its just a matter of switching the power ON once done with the setup. The air purifier does a quick POST (power on self test) and all the LEDs on the console light up. Even the hidden LEDs of HEPA/carbon replacement and the Reset button appear. The device makes a short jingle every time you change some setting or power cycle the air purifier. Air purifiers have options to mute this jingle but I think its absent in the TruSens air purifier. Not anything to complain about because it is soft and musical.

The console hosts the touch sensitive controls and are well spaced. I never had to touch a button twice to change a setting even if my hands were wet. So, no issues in the interface and our interaction with it. The characters on the console are back-lit to be viewable in the dark. You can even choose to have all lights off the console with the crescent shaped Dimmer button.


TruSens has adopted the more space efficient cylindrical shape body in all its air purifier models. A 360 degree air intake through a percolated skirting results in air being drawn from all the directions. The cylindrical HEPA filter has a fan running just above its cavity to draw the air from the room. Had it been for some other air purifier, the air would have been expelled out normally. TruSens air purifiers are better and different in a big way in this respect. Their PureDirect™ technology splits the output air unevenly into two directions. This results in a better air circulation throughout the room. The airflow still follows the bottom to top approach.

The control panel looks beautiful and its slight tilt towards the user look inviting. My family especially liked the big air quality feedback color LED along with other lights on and around the console.


TruSens Air purifiers can be adjusted to vary their airflow intensity with the help of a number of fan speed settings. Levels 1 and 2 along with the TURBO mode are the fan speeds to choose from. Then there is also a WHISPER mode to run the air purifier in its lowest noise avatar. But, this is all manual stuff requiring your frequent intervention. Pair your TruSens air purifier with the SensorPod and this unlocks the AUTO mode for you. Here the air purifier self-modulates its fan speed based on the air quality in the room. The Auto mode is also the most power efficient mode.

I have always found the Turbo mode to be the most useful one. When the pollution abounds, this highest fan speed mode quickly turns things around. In Turbo mode, the pollutants are cleared in the fastest time. All air purifiers produce the most noise in this mode. This is only a small thing but Turbo mode is my favorite for it rids the air pollution so fast. Though there could be issues with some sensitive people with the noise that the Turbo mode produces.


I have been using the Trusens Z-2000 air purifier around my kitchen area. These are good air quality days in the region I reside. The air quality display is always below 20 and the color LED is always blue. The pollution reading does spike at the time of food preparation. Running the air purifier for around 20 minutes reduces the lingering food odors. And this is when it is run in top speed. If not near our open kitchen, I have chosen to use it for my 15 x 14 feet room. I can feel it conjuring a good air circulation with the PureDirect™ technology. Herein an air separator and straightener condition the air flow to split into two streams. My TruSens Z-2000 is meant for 375 sq.ft room sizes, so it was bound to work so well for my smaller room.

Nowadays, at the time of starting the air purifier, the AQI is too good already to feel any difference. The air purifier’s real test would happen in days of sever pollution. Till that creepy time finding no other way to test my TruSens air purifier, I introduced pollution artificially by lighting match sticks. I let the smoke from the match sticks enter the SensorPod and waited for the numerical display to show some fluctuation. There was some slight change in the pollution reading as it bumped to around 25 from 15 – 16 range. This was enough to sense the sensitivity of the SensorPod and that it was indeed working.


The quality of the TruSens AFH-Z2000-01 filter I use is unquestionably good. The finishing and the finesse of the layers reeks of high quality. The HEPA filter is capable of filtering out 99.97% of particles from the air which are as small as 0.3 microns. The carbon filter works to eliminate odors and VOCs for even better air quality.

TruSens Air purifiers process the air through three layers of filtration. Each layer serves to remove pollutants of varied sizes and types. These layers consisting of a HEPA filter, carbon filter and a pre-filter are strapped closely together. I like the way you can replace the pre-filter or the carbon filter so easily. These filters are wound around the HEPA filter chassis and tightly held in place with the help of velcro straps. I found the filter well designed with no scope of any layer coming off on its own. A key thing to look at in any air purifier’s filters is how dense it is. The density of the filter media should be optimum, neither too dense nor too flimsy.


The HEPA filter and the different filter layers become so dirty themselves over time. Even before the stage of filter replacements is reached, the filters are already laden with dust, bacteria, viruses and what not. TruSens air purifiers have remedied this problem and introduced a UV-C bulb in their design. Ultraviolet light is a well-known disinfectant and true to its nature, it does sterilize TruSens air purifier filter.

The benefits of  using this innovative UV-C bulb may not be perceptible. But, its common sense that you are being saved from secondary pollutants. An infected and dirty filter itself can at one stage spew dust and germs into the room. This problem can become profound in high moisture days. The UV-C bulb does not prevent re-introduction of dust into the air if at all it happens. However, one can rest assured that atleast the filter does not become a safe haven for germs.

TruSens air purifiers have also worked to dispel apprehensions around Ozone gas buildup. You can easily choose to turn ON/OFF the UV bulb at your convenience.


Most air purifiers have a timer function in them, so does the TruSens air purifier. Four timer settings are available in my TruSens air purifier model Z-2000. A user can select one out of 2/4/8/12 hour timers. Timer is a useful function to limit the running time of the air purifier. You may want to turn off the air purifier after 4 hours of operation during night. Whatever the reason for using the Timer may be, it is a power-saving feature.

CONCLUSION – TruSens Air Purifier

I would call the TruSens air purifier as an excellent implementation of an innovative design. Features like the SensorPod, UV Sterilization and PureDirect™ technology truly make it a class apart. The SensorPod along with the numerical and color-coded pollution display is the cherry topping on the cake. Things really need to be advanced and up-to-date with the times. TruSens air purifiers are definitely useful in improving the air quality. And not just air quality, its design also enhances your indoor aesthetics. A white body with an assortment of unique as well as useful features make TruSens air purifiers a worthy challenger. If only TruSens could bring up with APP or Alexa capabilities, its air purifiers would be a force to reckon for other brands.

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